HowTo: Migrate data from Magento2 Commerce to Magento2 CE
I recently was asked to work on a data migration from Adobe Commerce 2.3.7-p3 to a Magento Community 2.4.3-p2 instance. I have done similar tasks in the past using the official Magento Data Migration Tool so that was my weapon of choice. In the following lines I will try to describe the proces...
The ColorPicker Ui Component
A hidden component to choose and implement color values
As part of the contributions I'm currently doing to the Adobe Stock Integration Project I recently had to implement a search filter for the color attribute.
HowTo: Create an Alternative Success Page for a Payment Method in Magento2
This week I had the task to build an alternative success page for customers who pay with a specific payment method.
If the customers select Bank Transfer method they should be redirected to https://magento2.test/checkout/banktransfer/success
If any other payment method is selected the customer sh...
The Magento Hater
HowTo: Create a REST API Call in Magento 2
These code snippets will show you how to ask the Magento REST API and retrieve some data.
In this example I will query the Magento REST API to retrieve all products updated since 2018-10-09 00:00:00
This method assumes:
- You are using an admin user to generate the token.
- You have a Magento2 instance running in your local environment.